【SELECT * FROM DataMeetup】 #002

Thank you for joining SELECT * FROM DataMeetup #002 jointly organized by Canner and 源來適你. This event is very special, we are officially authorized by Langchain to hold this Watch Party! At the same time, we invited people in the industry related to LLM/AI and open source to share.

The first session was given by Clkao, who shared with us a lot from his in-depth technical insights and practical application cases. Clkao's sharing discussed the cutting-edge development and future trends of LLM, giving participants a deeper understanding of the application and advantages of language models.

For the second session, we invited Cooper, the project leader of Accio. He introduced us to the exciting project of Accio, and joined Ming-Han on the difficulties encountered in the process of integrating with ChatGPT. This sharing is very valuable for people who are exploring similar integrations. The experience sharing of Cooper and Ming-Han saved us a lot of detours.

SELECT * FROM DataMeetup is not only a platform for learning and sharing, but also an opportunity for industry exchanges and cooperation. We have seen scenes where professionals from different backgrounds communicate with each other.

This kind of cooperation and cohesion will undoubtedly bring more innovations and breakthroughs to the AI ​​and open source communities. Thanks to Clkao, Cooper and Ming-Han for their great sharing. Thanks to all the partners who participated in this SELECT * FROM Data Gathering, your enthusiastic participation made this event even more special! We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future and continue to promote the thriving development of the AI ​​and open source community!

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